Our women's ministry meets on the fourth Saturday of every month on the Madison Campus.

Our men's ministry meets on the second Thursday of every month on the Madison Campus. All males 13+ are welcome to attend! Come eat, fellowship, and discuss the Word of God with us.

Young Adult Ministry
The mission of the Bridge is to help build up men and women in the faith so that they can become individual bridges that will help support whomever God sends their way. Each member of the bridge will support others as they cross difficult times. We strive to remain sturdy and strong in our faith so that as we walk with others, they will have the confidence to continue to walk over or through things that try to stop them. We will remain diligent in continually connecting people with the truth of God's love for them and reassuring them that all things work together for the good to those who love God and to who are called according to His purpose. We will continue to bridge the gap between the younger and older members of the body of Christ while remaining steadfast, unmovable, and continually abiding in the work of Christ who sent us.

Do You have a heart for the lost?
God has uniquely created you and desires to use you in a specific way to minister the gospel to the lost. We are convinced that all you need is the right environment for that to happen. "A fish struggles to survive outside of water but becomes a genius in it."